TM 5-3805-261-34
Fuel Injection Pump. (Sheet 11 of 16)
10. Using clean oil, lubricate
camshaft (41) and install.
11. Position housing (53). Stand
camshaft (41) on end of housing
(53). Do not allow camshaft (41)
to fall. Install a wood block
under camshaft (41).
12. Position washer (40) over end of
camshaft (41).
13. Using sleeve and suitable driver
and hammer, install washer (40)
on camshaft (41). Camshaft (41)
must have 0.0112 + 0.0093 inch
end play after assembly.
14. Using snap ring pliers, install
ring (39) in groove in end of
camshaft (41).
15. Using clean oil, lubricate four
lifters (38).
16. Using magnet, install four
lifters (38). Do not drop four
lifters (38) into place. Aline
grooves in four lifters (38) with
pin (50, Figure 3-91).
17. Install rack (37) through rear of
new bearing (43) alining notch in
new bearing (44) with the spline
on rack (37).
18. Install timing pin to center of
rack (37).
Go to Sheet 12
Figure 3-91.