TM 5-3805-261-34
Final Drive Assembly. (Sheet 9 of 10)
15. Attach bracket and hoist to items
39 thru 16 as an assembly and
position on saddle and floor
jack. Put axle in position in
housing (39) to keep items 39
thru 16 as an assembly (Figure
5-131) in balance.
16. Move items 39 thru 16 as an
assembly to lower rear, left side
of vehicle.
17. Remove wire and two 3/4-1ONC
forcing screws (Figure 5-132).
18. Position items 39 thru 16 as an
assembly on studs of vehicle.
Remove hoist and bracket and
install 19 washers (15) and nuts
(14, Figure 5-130). Tighten nuts
(14) to 285 to 315 ft-lb torque.
19. Apply grease to washer (13) and
20. Lubricate outside surface of
housing (39) and rings (12 and
11) with oil and install rings
(12 and 11).
21. Apply oil to new seal (10) and
install seal (10) and plug (9) in
housing (8, Figure 5-129).
Go to Sheet 10
Figure 5-129.
Figure 5-130.
Figure 5-131.