TM 5-3805-263-14&P-2
Oil also goes from the bottom of the front governor
housing through a passage to the fuel pump housing
and to governor servo (2). The governor servo gives
hydraulic assistance to move the fuel rack.
The remainder of the oil goes through passages
to the rear of rear governor housing (3) and into the
compartment for the governor controls. Drain hole
(8) keeps the oil at the correct level. The oil in this
compartment is used for lubrication of the govern-
or control components and the oil is the supply
for the dashpot.
The internal parts of the governor are lubricated
by oil leakage from the servo and the oil is thrown by
parts in rotation. The flyweight carrier thrust bear-
ing gets oil from the passage at the rear of the
Oil from the governor returns to the oil pan
through a hole in the bottom of the front governor
housing and through passages in the support and
cylinder block.
The governor controls the amount of fuel needed
by the engine to maintain a desired rpm.
The governor flyweights (8) are driven directly by
the fuel pump camshaft. Riser (10) is moved by
flyweights (8) and governor spring (1). Lever (7)
connects the riser with sleeve (2) which is fastened to
valve (3). Valve (3) is a part of governor servo (5) and
moves piston (4) and fuel rack (6). The fuel rack
moves toward the front of the fuel pump housing (to
the right in the illustration) when moved in the
FUEL OFF direction.