TM 5-3805-261-34
Piston and Connecting Rod. (Sheet 8 of 12)
11. Remove and inspect two bearings
(12). Replace if scored,
cracked, pitted, flaked or signs
of overheating.
12. Using micrometer, measure
crankshaft connecting journal
taper from front to rear of
journal and for out-of-roundness
in connecting rod journals.
Refer to paragraph 13-4.
Ring gap will increase .003
inch for each .001 inch of
cylinder line, bore size
13. Inspect piston rings (3 and 4).
Compression rings develop a shiny
line around their face as the
ring wears and widens. Measure
the line. If the top ring
measures wider than .100 inch and
the second ring measures wider
than .050 inch, then discard
rings. Also replace rings if
signs of deep scratching, chrome
chipping or scuffing.
14. Inspect oil ring (5). Discard if
worn or evidence of internal
spring groove wear.
15. Inspect cylinder liner. Reuse
liner if wear step does not
exceed .005 inch. Replace if
necessary. Refer to paragraph
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