TM 5-3805-293-23-2
Table 1. Transmission Code (2113-03 TO 2304-06) Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
2252-14 Machine Articula-
Linkage bent or damaged.
Linkage Bent or Damaged - Replace
tion Angle Sensor #2 Special
articulation angle position sensor 2
Instruction - Continued
(right) linkage and perform adjustment
(WP 0257).
Proceed to step 2.
Sensor and Linkage OK - Proceed to
Test Step 3.
2. Using MSD (WP 0006). Select
2252-14 Code Active - Repeat trou-
Trans/Chassis 120M and verify
bleshooting from the beginning of this
2252-14 is active.
diagnostic code.
2252-14 Code Not Active - Trouble-
shooting complete.
Test Step 3. Check Sensor.
1. Verify articulation angle position
Articulation Angle Position Sensor
sensor 2 (right) is within specifica-
2 (Right) OK - Proceed to Test Step 3.
tions refer to Adjustment in WP
Articulation Angle Position Sensor
2 (Right) Needs Adjustment - Adjust
sensor as directed (WP 0257).
Proceed to step 2.
2. Using MSD (WP 0006). Select
2252-14 Code Active - Repeat trou-
Trans/Chassis 120M and verify
bleshooting from the beginning of this
2252-14 is active.
diagnostic code.
2252-14 Code Not Active - Trouble-
shooting complete.
Test Step 3. Calibrate Sensor.
1. Calibrate articulation angle posi-
Articulation Angle Position Sensor
Cannot Be Calibrated - Perform cali-
bration procedure again. If sensor
WP 0257.
cannot be calibrated, replace articula-
tion angle position sensor 1 (right)
(WP 0257).
Articulation Angle Position Sensor
Calibrated OK - Proceed to step 2.
2. Using MSD (WP 0006). Select
2252-14 Code Active - Repeat trou-
Trans/Chassis 120M and verify
bleshooting from the beginning of this
2252-14 is active.
diagnostic code.
2252-14 Code Not Active - Trouble-
shooting complete.