TM 5-3805-293-23-1
The messenger module (Figure 2, Item 1) has several menus available for navigation. The menus will display on
the LCD screen (Figure 2, Item 8). The menus of the messenger module allow the user to view information about
the machine. Due to the size of the display, only one menu will appear at a time. Use navigation buttons at the
bottom of the messenger to move between menu options.
The Messenger module root menu is the main menu (Figure 2, Item 2). If another menu is displayed, press and
release back arrow button (Figure 2, Item 6) until the Main Menu (Figure 2, Item 2) is displayed. Press and release
left/up button (Figure 2, Item 5), and right/down button (Figure 2, Item 4) to scroll through available menus or to
view additional screens within a menu. Press and release the OK button (Figure 2, Item 3) to select highlighted
menu. Press and release back arrow button (Figure 2, Item 6) to return to previous menu selection.
The Messenger module (Figure 2, Item 1) uses up or down arrow icons (Figure 2, Item 7) to indicate that more
information is available. Use the left/up button (Figure 2, Item 5), and the right/down (Figure 2, Item 4) button to
scroll through the available pages.
Refer to Messenger Menu Selection in this work package for a list of menu selections for this machine.
Figure 2. Messenger Module Navigation Buttons.