TM 5-3805-261-34BRAKE MAINTENANCE. (cont)14-20. ServiceBrakes. (Sheet 2 of 10)DISASSEMBLY1.Remove three bolts (1), retainer(2), shim(s) (3) and sprocket (4,Figure 14-149).2.Remove cone (5) and seal (6).Discard seal (6).3.Remove bolt (7), lockwasher (8),plate (9), three bolts (10) andlockwashers (11) from cover (14).4.Install two 5/8-llNC forgedeyebolts in items 12 thru 14 asan assembly (Figure 14-150).WARNINGWeight of cover is 50 lbs.Use adequate hoist and slingfor lifting. Failure tofollow this procedure maycause INJURY. If you areinjured, seek medical aidimmediately.5.Install hoist and sling.6.Remove items 12 thru 14 as anassembly from housing (27) andplace on wood blocks.7.Remove hoist and sling.8.Remove two 5/8-llNC forgedeyebolts.9.Remove seal (12) and cup (13)from cover (14, Figure 14-151).Discard seal (12).Figure 14-149.Figure 14-150.Figure 14-151.Go to Sheet 314-110
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business