TM 5-3805-261-20BATTERY MAINTENANCE.7-112.BatteryCablesandBatteries. (Sheet 3 of 8)REMOVALWARNINGELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDAlways disconnect the positivebattery cable on the right side beforeworking on electrical components.Failure to follow this procedure maycause INJURY. If you receive anelectrical shock, seek medicalattention.CAUTIONIf a defective disconnect switch issuspected, check for voltage betweenthe right side positive terminal and aground (not the negative post). Ifvoltage is present, use extremecaution and remove the negativecable from the left side andtroubleshoot the switch.1.Loosen one nut (1) on right side positivebattery cable (25) and remove cable.2.Secure battery cable/terminal away frombattery.3.Loosen three remaining nuts (1) on otherpositive cable (25) and two negative cables(12 and 48) and remove cables.4.Remove two bolts (2), washers (3), clips (4)and guards (5).5.Remove batteries. Refer to TM 9-6140-200-14.6.Remove bolt (6), washer (7) and clip (8,Figure 7-169) from rear, left side of engine.NOTEAll wire, cable and harnessassemblies must be tagged beforedisconnecting to aid in installation.Figure 7-168Figure 7-169Go to Sheet 47-273
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