TM 5-3805-261-20BATTERY MAINTENANCE. (cont)7-112.BatteryCablesandBatteries. (Sheet 6 of 8)INSTALLATION1.Position cable assembly (48, Figure 7-173) on right side of articulation area.Feed cable assembly (48) end through floorof cab.2.Install cable assembly (48) on terminal ofmain disconnect switch on inside ofoperator’s console of cab.3.Install washer (47) and nut (46).4.Install spacer (45), clip (44) washer (43)and nut (42) under right side of cab.5.Install clip (41), washer (40) and bolt (39) atright side of articulation area.6.Position cable assembly (48) on pad (38,Figure 7-172).7.Install pad (37), plate (36), clips (35 and34), two washers (33) and nuts (32).8.Position cable assembly (48) onto pad (31,Figure 7-171) on left side of articulationarea.9.Install pad (30), plate (29), clip (28), twowashers (27) and nuts (26).10.Position cable assembly (48). Feed cableassembly (48) end along inside of frame.Figure 7-173Figure 7-172Figure 7-171Go to Sheet 77-276
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