TM 5-3805-261-20BATTERY MAINTENANCE.7-111.BatteryHolddown. (Sheet 2 of 3)REMOVALNOTEThe following is a maintenanceprocedure for the left batteryholddown. The maintenanceprocedure for the right batteryholddown is identical.NOTEDo not remove unless inspectionshows need for replacement.1.Remove four lock nuts (2) and washers (3).2.Remove holddown (4).3.Remove two U-bolts (5).4.Remove six grommets (1, Figure 7-167)from battery box.CLEANINGClean all parts. Refer to Chapter 2.INSPECTIONInspect all parts. Refer to Chapter 2.Figure 7-167Go to Sheet 37-269
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