TM 5-3805-261-20BATTERY MAINTENANCE.7-112.BatteryCablesandBatteries.( Sheet 7 of 8)INSTALLATION11.Install cable assembly (25, Figure 7-170).12.Install clip (24), washer (23) and bolt (22)to left side of articulation area.13.Position cable assembly (25) on top ofdifferential case. Lay across top ofdifferential case.14.Install clip (21), washer (20) and bolt (19)at top of differential case.15.Install clip (18), washer (17) and bolt (16)under left side of frame. Clip (18) holdscable assemblies (25 and 48).16.Install clip (15), washer (14) and bolt (13,Figure 7-169) at rear, right side of frame inengine compartment.17.Install cable assembly (12) on startersolenoid on starting motor assembly.18.Install wire assembly (11), washer (10)and nut (9).19.Install clip (8), washer (7) and bolt (6) onrear, right side of engine.Figure 7-170Figure 7-169Go to Sheet 87-277
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