TM 5-3805-261-10
There are two models of the 130G Type II (130GS and 130GSCE) that can be sectionalized and transported by helicop-
ter. These machines are equipped with all special tools and equipment needed for sectionalization. A remote control box is
stored on the frame just forward of the operator's console to control the rear section after sectionalization.
This work package has general information for the sectionalization procedure.
Due to size and weight restrictions, the grader must be sectionalized (separated) to accomplish air transport by helicop-
ter. Once separated, each half is rigged separately and lifted by helicopter.
Work package WP 0019 00 describes how to prepare the grader for air transport by helicopter, how to drive the rear sec-
tion of the grader, and how to return the machine to operational configuration after air transport.
The amount of fuel left in machine's fuel tank must comply with guidance from Military Traffic Management Command
Assistance from two Unit Maintenance mechanics is required to prepare the machine for air transport.
If operating machine without Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS), drive with extreme caution, at low idle,
and in 1st gear ONLY. Machine has no rollover protection without ROPS. Failure to follow this warning may
cause injury or death to personnel or damage to equipment.
As part of this procedure, the ROPS is removed from the grader. Operation of the machine after assembly at the work
site may be required without the ROPS, until the ROPS is transported to the work site and reinstalled.
Use extreme caution when handling heavy parts. Provide adequate support and use assistance during proce-
dure. Ensure any lifting device used is in good condition and of suitable lifting capacity. Keep clear of heavy
parts supported only by lifting device. Failure to follow this warning may result in injury or death to person-
Many components that must be removed and installed during this procedure are very heavy. Use assistance, caution, and
follow safe work practices when handling them.
Articulation movement can reduce clearances suddenly and cause injury to personnel. Always stop engine
BEFORE working in area of hitch link.
Throughout procedure, be aware of potential hazards when working around hitch. Do NOT work in area of hitch link
unless engine is shut down.