TM 5-3805-261-34Section I.CHARGING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING.4-1.GENERAL INFORMATION. This section lists the common charging system malfunctions which may occur duringthe operation of the 130G Grader. You should perform the tests, inspections and corrective actions in the order listed.Follow the troubleshooting procedures listed below step-by-step until you can go no further.4-2.CHARGING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES. This section cannot list all possible malfunctions,nor can it list all possible tests, inspections or corrective actions. If a malfunction is not listed, contact your supervisor.CHARGING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES.MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONALTERNATOR GIVES NO CHARGE.Check the rotor.If the rotor is damaged or defective, replace. Refer to paragraphs 4-4 and 4-5.4-3
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