TM 5-3805-293-10
System Information Sub-Menu
1. The following information is available through the Engine sub-sub menu:
a. ENGINE SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows engine serial number.
b. ECM SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM serial number.
ECM PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM part number.
d. SW PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows software part number.
e. SW RELEASE DATE. When scrolling to this option, display shows software release date.
SW DESCRIPTION. When scrolling to this option, display shows software description.
2. The following information is available through the Trans/Chassis sub-sub menu:
a. ECM SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM serial number.
b. ECM PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM part number.
SW PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows software part number.
d. SW RELEASE DATE. When scrolling to this option, display shows software release date.
e. SW DESCRIPTION. When scrolling to this option, display shows software description.
3. The following information is available through the Monitoring System sub-sub menu:
a. EQUIPMENT ID. When scrolling to this option, display shows equipment identification number.
b. ECM SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM serial number.
ECM PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM part number.
d. SW PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows software part number.
e. SW RELEASE DATE. When scrolling to this option, display shows software release date.
SW DESCRIPTION. When scrolling to this option, display shows software description.
4. The following information is available through the Implement System sub-sub menu:
a. ECM SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM serial number.
b. ECM PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM part number.
SW PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows software part number.
d. SW RELEASE DATE. When scrolling to this option, display shows software release date.
e. SW DESCRIPTION. When scrolling to this option, display shows software description.
5. The following information is available through the Implement Control 2 System sub-sub menu:
a. ECM SERIAL #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM serial number.
b. ECM PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows ECM part number.
SW PART #. When scrolling to this option, display shows software part number.
d. SW RELEASE DATE. When scrolling to this option, display shows software release date.
e. SW DESCRIPTION. When scrolling to this option, display shows software description.