POWER TRAINDIFFERENTIALDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYTM 5-3805-263-14&P-2REMOVE DIFFERENTIALTools NeededFT1174 Lifting BracketA B1FT1279 Transmission Stand11. Drain the oil from the transmission. Putidentification on transmission oil coolerlines (2) as to their location on the reliefcontrol valve. Disconnect the oil lines fromthe valve.2. Remove the bolt that holds tube (3) to theflywheel housing. Loosen the hose clampsthat hold tube (3) to the elbow for thewater pump. Remove tube (3).3. Loosen the nut on bolts (1) on each side ofthe flywheel housing. Turn bolts (1) untilthey are against the frame. Tighten the nutson the bolts. Remove the lifting eyes fromthe transmission.4. Loosen nuts (6) and slide them over cables(4). Remove bolts (7). Slide retainer (8)over cables (4).5. Remove couplings (5) from the transmissionhousing with a screwdriver. Lift the trans-mission control cables out of the notches inthe links in the transmission control valves.6. Remove the two bolts that hold oil fillertube (9) to the top of the differential.7. Remove oil filler tube (9).start by:a) remove fuel tankb) remove fan drivec) remove radiator and guardd) remove air tanke) remove rear bumperf) remove parking brake rotochamberand release valveg) remove differential lock actuatorvalveh) remove axles2-73
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