ENGINEOIL PUMPDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYTM 5-3805-263-14&P-2REMOVE OIL PUMP1.2.3.4.start by:a) remove oil panRemove bolts (1) that hold the oil pump tothe scavenge tube.Bend the locks away from bolts (2) and re-move bolts (2).Remove oil pump (4) from the engine.Remove gasket (3) from the scavenge tube.INSTALL OIL PUMP1. Turn the crankshaft until the No. 1 piston isat the top center compression position. SeeREMOVE FUEL INJECTION PUMPHOUSING AND GOVERNOR.2. Turn both balancer shafts (1) until the flatpart on each shaft is away from the oil panplate. Install two 3/8"-16 NC bolts (2) 11/2” long through the oil pan plate and intothe holes in the balancer shafts. This willprevent the shafts from turning. Tighten thebolts until they are against the bottoms ofthe holes in the shafts, then loosen the bolts1/2 turn.3. Put oil pump (3) in position on the cylinderblock and install the locks and bolts thathold the oil pump in place. Connect thescavenge line to the oil pump. Make surethere is a new gasket between the oil pumpand the scavenge line.4. Remove bolts (2). Check to see that the bal-ancer shaft timing is correct. The balancershaft timing is correct when the holes in thebalancer shafts are in alignment with theholes in the oil pan plate and No. 1 piston isat the top center compression position.end by:a) install oil pan1-199
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