TM 5-3805-263-14&P-3
When Required
To Adjust Circle to Shoe Clearance:
Install and tighten all mounting bolts.
Measure clearance between each shoe and circle.
5. Repeat Circle to Shoe Clearance
procedure after all shoes are adjusted.
1. Adjust one shoe at a time. Remove mounting bolts
After all the adjustments are made, the circle
(A) and loosen bolt (B). Remove shims (C)
must rotate freely without binding. Additional
clearances may be required to compensate for a
damaged circle.
2. Remove the shims to bring the clearance to
approximately 0.50 mm (.020 inch), or to the minimum
clearance which will permit circle rotation, but not less
than .50 mm (.020 inch).
Measure Circle to Pinion Clearance (Circle to Pinion Mesh)
2. Measure the distance between the bottom flange of
1. Park on level ground. Set the blade at 900 to
the pinion and inner machined surface of the circle.
machine frame. Lower blade to ground and apply slight
Distance should be 43.2 to 51.8 mm (1.70 to 2.04
down pressure. Move the machine forward and apply
inches). If the measurement is less than 43.2 mm (1.70
the parking brake, to hold a light load between the circle
inches), replace the front shoes.
and front shoes. Stop the engine.