TM-5-3805-261-20TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE.8-6.TransmissionControl. (Sheet 5 of 7)ADJUSTMENTNOTEThe following procedure is foradjustment of the transmissionSPEED control.16.Remove bolt (13) and lockwasher (14,Figure 8-22).17.Retract control cable (15) by pushing downon rod end (16) as far as control cable (15)will allow. The selector spool in thetransmission will be in SIXTH speed.18.Extend control cable (15) by pulling up onrod end (16, Figure 8-23) until detents forFIFTH, FOURTH and THIRD speeds arefelt. The selector spool will be in THIRDspeed.19.Shift transmission control lever to THIRD-FORWARD position. Transmission controllever must be in center of notch (Figure 8-24).20.Loosen nut (18).21.Adjust rod end (16) by threading up or downon control cable (15). A line hole in rod end(16) with hole in lever (17).22.Install lockwasher (14) and bolt (13).23.Tighten nut (18).24.Shift transmission control lever to all speedsin FORWARD and REVERSE positions. Adetent must be felt for all speed positions.Figure 8-22Figure 8-23Figure 8-24Go to Sheet 68-27
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