TM 5-3805-261-20
Electrical System Components and Wiring.
(11) Applying Preservatives to Electrical Connectors.
Water-displacing corrosion preventive compound vapors can be harmful to eyes and lungs. To
avoid injury, keep the corrosion preventive away from heat, wear protective goggles and use in a
well-ventilated area.
There are two types of water-displacing corrosion preventive compounds. Care must be used to
apply the correct compound. Failure to do so can cause loss of continuity or moisture protection.
Pin contacts: Spray an even, thin coat of compound MIL-C-81309 over male pin area of connector.
Socket contacts: Hold connector with openings pointed slightly downward, if possible. Spray
compound MIL-C-81309 into socket openings. Wipe off any excess compound with a lint-free cloth.
Do not use water-displacing corrosion preventive compound MIL-C-81309 on the external surface
of an electrical connector. MIL-C-81309 is too light and will not give the protection needed to keep
moisture out of the connector.
External surfaces: Spray a thin coat of water-displacing corrosion preventive compound MIL-C-
85054 on all external surfaces of the clean connector set. Make sure the area where the connector set comes together is
completely covered.
(12) Installing Electrical Connectors.
Look at connectors for broken, missing or pushed-in contact before making any connections. If
connector is bad, notify supervisor.
When installing connectors on large harnesses, another soldier will be needed to help aline the
mating ends of the cable. Make sure that contacts and key washers line up. Tighten twist-snap-type connectors until a
click is heard. Tighten screw-on-type connectors until the connector is tight. Tighten ratchet-type connectors until colored
alining marks line up.