TM 5-3805-293-23-1
Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures for the 120M Motor Grader - Continued.
4. Can Not Reach Top
7. Check for air in fuel system Air In
Air Found in Fuel - Repair or replace
Engine RPM - Continued
Fuel Test (WP 0035).
components as identified during air in
fuel test (WP 0035).
8. Perform Engine Cylinder Cutout
Diagnostic Code Active During
Test (WP 0035).
for troubleshooting.
Injector Diagnostic Codes are Not
Active or Logged - Fault may be
engine mechanical related. Refer to
Engine Misfires, Runs Rough, or is
Unstable in this work package.
5. Coolant in Engine Oil or
1. Remove engine oil dipstick (TM 5- Coolant and Oil Mixture Identified -
Proceed to step 3.
Engine Oil in Coolant
3805-293-10) and inspect for
coolant and oil mixture.
Signs of Leakage in Mating Surface
2. Visually inspect mating surface
- Proceed to step 3.
where cylinder head and engine
block meet for signs of coolant
3. Remove the cylinder head (WP
Cylinder Head Damaged - Replace
0114) and inspect cylinder head
cylinder head (WP 0114).
gasket for damage. Inspect cylin-
Cylinder Head Gasket Damaged -
der head for cracks, breaks, and/
Replace cylinder head gasket (WP
or damage.
4. Check cylinder head for flatness
Cylinder Head Does Not Pass
and mating face of cylinder head
Inspection - Replace cylinder head
for faults and signs of leakage.
(WP 0114).
Refer to Cylinder Head Inspect
(WP 0032).
5. Inspect top face of the engine
Engine Block Damaged - Replace
block for cracks, breaks, or dam-
engine (WP 0069).
age (WP 0032).
6. Check for leaks in the engine oil
Engine Oil Cooler or Engine Oil
cooler assembly. Refer to Engine
Cooler Core Cracked or Dented -
Oil Cooler Inspection (WP 0036).
Replace engine oil cooler (WP 0089).
6. Coolant Temperature is
1. Inspect the coolant level (TM 5-
Coolant Level Low - Add coolant as
Too High
2. Perform Hydraulic Fan Speed
Fan Speed Out of Range - Perform
Test (WP 0036).
3. Perform Cooling System
Defective Components Found -
Inspection (WP 0036).
Replace components as required (WP