TM 5-3805-263-1469-2
Water pump (9) is on the left front side of the
engine. It is gear driven by the timing gears. Cool-
ant from the bottom of radiator (2) goes to the water
pump inlet (8). The rotation of the impeller in water
pump (9) pushes the coolant through the system.
The coolant flow from water pump (9) goes through
engine oil cooler (5).
goes through one side on the way into cooler (12). At
the bottom of cooler (12) the flow turns and goes
back up through the other side and into bonnet (11)
again. Then bonnet (11) sends the coolant into cylin-
der block (7).
The engine has an additional oil cooler (12). A
bonnet (11) is on the engine oil cooler (5). This bon-
net (11) sends the coolant flow through the other
cooler (12) which is for the transmission. The flow
Inside cylinder block (7) the coolant goes around
cylinder liners (13) and up through the water direc-