TM 5-3805-261-34
Electrical System Components and Wiring. (cont)
Soldering techniques.(cont)
Solder connections must be bright and clean before soldering. Remove dirt and grease from
connections with solvent cleaning compound MIL-C-81302 and small, stiff fiber brush.
Solder must be non-acid type (SN60WRAP2, QQ-S-571). Rosin flux, O-F-506, Type 1, Form A,
can be used.
All wires, parts and soldering iron must be pretinned for good connection and maximum transfer
of heat.
Clean all solder joints with acid-swabbing brush and cleaning compound MIL-C-81302 after
soldering to obtain a clean, bright surface.
Crimping wires.
Cut off and get rid of broken, bent or discolored contacts with diagonal cutting pliers. Get rid of
bad contacts. Using thermal wire stripper, strip insulation off wires.
Put contact crimping tool with color band toward rear. Put bare wire into contact and squeeze
crimping tool. Take crimped contact out of tool and check crimp by looking into inspection hole. You must be able to see
end of bare wire.
(10) Installing insulation sleeving.
Insulation sleeving should be twice the diameter of the part over which it will be shrunk. Slide
insulation over wire and terminal. Hold portable heat gun 4 to 5 inches away from insulation and apply heat for 30
seconds. Take heat gun away as soon as insulation forms to shape of wire and terminal. Let insulation cool for 30 seconds
before handling.
Cleaning compound can cause skin rash and can give off harmful vapors. To
avoid injury, use in a well-ventilated area. Wash immediately with soap and water
if compound gets on skin or clothing.
When replacing wires, cut insulation sleeving off terminals of wire to be replaced. Unsolder wire or
cut if crimped. When soldering wires, hold the bare wire near the soldering point with long, round-nosed pliers. Pliers act
as a heat sink, preventing heat damage to electrical and electronic components. Cut new wire to desired length and slide
new insulation over ends of wire. Using thermal wire stripper, push insulation back and strip insulation off wiring. Solder or
crimp wire to end terminal. Clean soldered joint with acid-swabbing brush and cleaning compound MIL-C-81302. Slide
insulation over connection. Shrink insulation with heat gun.