TM 5-3805-261-34STEERING MAINTENANCE.8-7.CombinationValve.(Sheet 9 of 9)ASSEMBLYNOTEPlace unloader valve in vise.22.Install items 11 thru 17 as an assembly, two washers(7) and bolts (6) in items 35 thru 18 as an assembly(Figure 8-32).23.Install screw (10).24.Lift lever (15, Figure 8-33) with a force of 25 lbs. Usea dial indicating scale to measure force.25.Adjust screw (10). Turn screw (10) in or out until endplay of lever is 0.003 to 0.009 inches. Use dial indicatorto determine end play.26.Install nut (9) and boot (8, Figure 8-34).27.Install new preformed packings (5, 4, 3 and 2),items 35 thru 6 as an assembly with items 70 thru36 as an assembly and three bolts (1).NOTEReturn 130G Grader to originalequipment condition.End of Task8-29/(8-30 blank)Figure 8-34.Figure 8-33.Figure 8-32.
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